heart-centered tools for a more aligned life 🤍

invest in you, empower those around you

Enhance your leadership & life with time-tested tools, practical spirituality, & support. Coaching options and additional services listed below.

coaching opportunities

leadership coaching

Designed to shift into embodied, authentic, and collaborative leadership. We begin the 10 weeks understanding where you are now. Next you identify your ideal vision, your strategic leadership map. The following weeks we use time tested coaching tools to uproot what gets in the way of making that vision real. The method is designed to get to the root by reworking your mindset and subconscious beliefs. It is focused on you making space to hear you again while being held in a safe trustworthy container. This is what I wished for when I was in your shoes.

You will leave feeling supported with a heightened self-awareness, a new perspective, and tools you will use for a lifetime.

Perfect for : Mid-level managers through executive leadership ready to uplevel your sense of awareness & soft skills in a shifting landscape || The Highly Sensitive Leader juggling a stressful environment || The Entrepreneur ready to delegate more and find their flow

To start the conversation about leadership coaching, please complete this form.

life coaching

Feeling stuck in one or more area of life and ready to feel supported as you step into the life you've always dreamt of? My heart-centered intuitive approach will nurture and guide you to hear and focus on you again. You'll feel supported in your reinvention, worthy of your highest dreams, and have more trust in yourself and the universe. In order to lead your best life, we always start with vision. The following weeks we identify and uproot what gets in the way of you making that vision real by using tools to shift your mindset and reprogram your subconscious.

You will leave feeling held as you leap in life with heightened self-awareness, a deeper sense of self-worth, and tools you will use for a lifetime.

Perfect for : The Highly Sensitive Person who's been tuned to everyone else but themselves, it's time to tune back to you and your desires || Someone ready to shift, take the steps necessary to build the dreams that have always lived in their heart

To start the conversation about life coaching, please complete this form.

my why, card readings

As a highly sensitive human and leader, all of my senses are heightened. I tune in differently, and I have a hard time tuning out. Card readings re-center me on me and help me hear my own inner voice again. I use them for clarity in the now, not for predicting the future. But then again, our current choices are the best predictors! Read more.

intuitive card reading