heart-centered tools for a more aligned life 🤍

reiki session

  • Product Info

    This 30 minute session is designed to leave you feeling relaxed, heard, supported, and loved. Divided into two parts, the first is dedicated to you sharing your needs and intentions. The following 15 minutes I will channel and send reiki your way based on what we discuss. Once the session is closed I will email you a recap of any notes that came up during our time. 

    You will receive a post purchase email from me to confirm scheduling. 

    New to reiki, but curious to see what this is all about? Use discount code: FIRSTSESSIONSONME at checkout to see if this is something that resonates with you before diving in. 

    Loved your first session and want more? I'm offering set of 3 pricing for $115 that will automatically apply at checkout. 

    I describe reiki ✨ in a recent blog post here.